Annual Tree Seedling Sale underway

Annual Tree Seedling Sale underway

Life on Earth is inconceivable without trees. There is a Greek proverb that reads, “A society grows great when old men plant trees whose shade they know they shall never sit in.”

Tuscarawas County Soil and Water District is offering four trees and two shrub species for sale. The district has selected two evergreens (conifers), Norway spruce and white pine, as well as two deciduous trees, red oak and white oak.

We also are offering two fantastic wildlife shrubs, paw paw and American hazelnut. These six species grow well in our soil types and are fairly free of disease and insects. When considering a planting location for your new seedling, do your due diligence. Even though these are small seedlings (6-12 inches), plan for their mature size in your landscape. Check for underground and overhead utilities, as well as sight clearance along roadways.

The evergreens, as the name suggests, retain their most recent growth of needles year round. We have selected Norway spruce due to its lessor susceptibility to the fungus that is affecting the blue spruce. White pine is a fast-growing evergreen with lacy needles that is well-suited to this part of Ohio. The Muskingum Watershed Conservancy District planted this pine around its flood-control lakes in the 1930s.

The oak species all bear an annual crop of acorns. White oak likes a wide variety of growing sites, and its acorns are a favorite for a variety of wildlife species. White oak has the longest life span of all the trees offered for sale, over 400 years. Red oaks take two years for the acorns to mature and are more consistent producers of acorns than the white oak. The red oak has the largest acorns of the oaks offered.

So why plant a tree? In an urban setting, they act as air conditioners and filters of the surrounding air. The trees will remove carbon dioxide from the atmosphere and provide oxygen during photosynthesis. Trees will sequester (store) carbon in their cell walls as long as they are not decaying (this holds true for any wood product). Trees will slow down rain drops and help the water infiltrate into the ground, lessening the strain on our storm sewers.

Trees help with species diversity, surround us with their beauty, muffle noise, lend scale to our landscape and enhance wildlife habitat. And finally, trees will add value to your property value. Planting native trees and shrubs is the most environmentally friendly act we can participate in.

Ohio is 30% forested (8 million acres). The forested landscape adds myriad benefits to our daily lives. The forest products industry adds over $31 billion to Ohio’s economy each year. Eighty-five percent of Ohio’s forest land is privately owned. There are 24 state forests in Ohio, 75 state parks, and 145 state nature preserves and natural areas. Collectively, these state areas contain approximately 500,000 acres.

The Wayne National Forest in Southern Ohio is our only national forest in Ohio at 244,000 acres. Ohio has one national park, the Cuyahoga Valley, containing 33,000 acres.

We are accepting tree orders now. Go online or stop in at our office to pick up a tree order form. Order your items now until we run out. The pickup day is April 4 at the SWCD office, 85 E. Iron Ave., Dover. You also can check us out on Facebook.

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