We're all dry and happy ... for now

We're all dry and happy ... for now

A couple of weeks ago we noticed our 20-something dryer was making an odd noise.

We had lived together for many years, and that dryer had done its job efficiently and without sound. Our house was disturbed, and our dogs were very upset. Over a few days that noise got louder and shriller. The dogs trembled, the house shuddered and we were very concerned.

Because of its age, that old dryer was way too old to have repairs done, even if it could be repaired. So with sad hearts and pocket books, we began a dryer search.

It is amazing just how much the price of appliances has increased over the years. We were shocked!

Not only that, to my Taller Half’s disappointment, new appliances all have mother boards and are computerized. They have enough controls to man a spaceship, and most of them are rather sensitive.

This did not suit Taller Half one bit. All he wanted was an appliance in which he could place his wet laundry, that went to work when turned on and that turned his laundry dry. Not anymore! Now dryers are so sophisticated they do pretty much everything but dance a jig while drying. My Taller Half has a problem with that. He likes appliances with on and off switches.

After looking at more dryers than we even knew existed, we eventually found a used, older appliance that just dried clothes. It cost less than brand-new dryers but about the same amount we had paid for our original dryer.

Last week our house said goodbye to her old appliance and welcomed the new, used dryer into her laundry room. The new appliance fit right in and went right to work. All my Taller Half had to do was load the thing and turn it on. He is happy, the house is happy and so is our pocketbook.

All’s well that ends well, right? We have just one minor concern: Our new dryer seems to have developed a tiny little squeak.

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