Board of health holds special meeting

Board of health holds special meeting

A special meeting of the Tuscarawas County Board of Health was held online Tuesday, April 7 in order to discuss several resolutions.

The first resolution discussed and approved, Resolution 2020-7, was employee exemptions. The public health board is part of several entities that are excluded from the Family First Corona Response Act, by federal law.

The law also requires notice must be given to all of the employees and for this to pass in resolution. No emergency leave will be given through this act, but the board of health will allow leave based on the Family Medical Leave Act instead.

The second resolution discussed and approved, Resolution 2020-8, is to adjust full-time board of health workers hours due to lack of work during the COVID crisis.

The third resolution discussed and approved, Resolution 2020-9, authorized part-time employees' work hours to be adjusted with no guarantee of work hours due to COVID.

The final resolution discussed and approved was to approve the furlough or lay-off of employees due to lack of work.

The board also accepted the resignation of their part-time interpreter.

While the next meeting was scheduled to be April 15, it has been postponed to 3:15 p.m. on April 21 for more time to get agenda items prepared. This meeting also will be held virtually.

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