Conley appointed to serve on Bolivar Council

Conley appointed to serve on Bolivar Council
Barb Limbacher

Melissa Conley


Melissa Conley was appointed to serve on Bolivar Council during its meeting on Dec. 5. Conley will fill the vacant seat of Zach Nussbaumer, who resigned in October. Conley’s seat will expire Dec. 31, 2028.

“We interviewed two candidates for the vacant council seat and agreed Melissa was a good fit with her experience as a paralegal,” Council President Will Bellinger said.

Council passed a resolution, as an emergency, authorizing the United States Postal Service to park its vehicles on village property located on Cherry Street Extension.

Council also did the following:

—Passed a resolution, as an emergency, for the renewal of a police levy and requested the county auditor to determine the current tax valuation in the village. A second resolution will be passed to place it on the May ballot.

—Adopted an ordinance to execute an amendment to a meter reading schedule with the county commissioners.

—Heard the village has purchased a 2024 Ford Explorer for the police at a cost of $48,000 and $13,000 to add necessary equipment. Council applied the remaining $1,195 from the ARPA Fund toward the equipment purchase for the vehicle.

—Approved Verizon Wireless purchase order upgrades for employees.

—Held the first reading of an ordinance authorizing Wood Electric to install a light pole at the intersection of Cherry Street and Sassafras Alley through Bolivar Main Street.

—Gave approval to disposing unused items, printers, sign posts and a snowblade. The serial numbers will be obtained before the items are removed.

—Agreed to give $350 to Nathan Alexander, who helped all summer in the street department until a street superintendent was hired.

—Approved zoning inspector Matt Bailey to spend $600 in December and $1,000 in January and February if needed.

—Passed a resolution to allow Mayor Robert Lloyd to spend up to $3,000 per month if necessary.

—Entered into a one-year contract with Fitzpatrick, Zimmerman and Rose for legal services as prosecutor for the police, effective Jan. 1.

—Passed a resolution to enter into an agreement with McIntosh Oil Company for the village.

—Held the first reading of a resolution authorizing the mayor to execute an agreement with GPD Engineering Group of Akron.

—Approved a request for a one-time forgiveness of a resident’s water bill for $281.30 due to a waterline break.

—Agreed to allow two police officers to attend training Feb. 3-8 at a cost of $50 each and authorized part-time police officer Michael Frame 20 hours of pay because he is taking vacation from his full-time position.

—Passed a resolution to enter into a contract with attorney Stephan Babik of Babik LLC for legal services.

—Heard the current contract with Bolivar Library expires in February. Council needs to review the current contract.

Other information

Lloyd said hydrant flushing in the village is on hold. The residents will be notified when hydrants will be flushed. The village has been connected to the Tuscarawas County Water; however, the service will not be consistent until all the well water is removed from the village system.

The next meeting will be held Jan. 2 at 7 p.m. at the former American Legion building, 121 Canal St., Bolivar.

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