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Credit card use slowing down

Perhaps for the first time in anybody’s memory, the use of credit cards is going down. Some of the decrease is probably by choice and some by necessity.The Federal Reserve said recently that revolving credit use has decreased by an annualized eight percent.The forced reduction in credit card usage comes from several moves by card issuing banks, many of whom have tightened credit limits, raised...

Eat healthfully to fight the flu bug

Is there anything we can do nutritionally that would help me and my family stay healthy during the flu season? Sure. Dietitians encourage a few basic practices that could boost your immune system and help your body fight the flu bug. They include: Ÿ Stay hydrated. Getting the proper hydration keeps mucous membranes soft and moist, preventing tiny cracks that allow viruses and bacteria to enter...

Put these estate planning moves to work

Like everyone else, you want to leave a legacy. To make it happen, though, you need to do some estate planning. For most of us, that sounds like a scary task, but it doesn't have to be — as long as you break it down into a few key moves.Here, in a nutshell, are some of the broad-based moves you'll want to consider:• Communicate your wishes. When drawing up your estate plan, you can't leave...

Excellent fall migration of songbirds

It has been a very interesting fall so far, despite the fact that the hawk movement was less than impressive. As the official compiler at Erie Metropark near Detroit stated, “We seem to have missed the large Broad-winged movement this fall.” Lots of hawk watch sites would have been pleased with days of 10,000 and 7,000, but Erie Metropark expects at least one day of 50,000 to 100,000 or more...

Is there a doctor near the kitchen?

Home accidents can occur with just the slightest of movements. You could be turning the corner, simply walking into another room. There is no mirror mounted on the wall to observe oncoming foot traffic. Just by opening your bedroom door; not knowing ears are pressed up against the wood can produce a black eye. You can slip in the bathroom, on the sidewalk, even while peeling potatoes at the...

Make your fall gardens mumalicious

When many plants have stopped blooming and some are looking quite bedraggled, the garden chrysanthemum comes into its own, providing a blaze of color to rival the brightest maple. Right now, thanks to my collection of mums, my garden is as packed with blooms as it is in early spring, providing a welcome respite from the dull winter to come. If you don’t already have a large selection of mums...

Betting on Ohio's future come November

It was Sept. 11, 2002. The date sticks in my head because it was the first anniversary of the 9/11 attacks on the United States.I was on a business trip to Detroit with two others. We were staying downtown in a beautiful old hotel that was badly in need of a rehab, but, given Detroit’s financial nightmares, wasn’t going to get one.The television had channel after channel of anniversary...

Off the contact list: Taking as much time as needed to grieve

Don't you hate to delete names from your address book or phone list or cell phone if someone dies?I just deleted the name of a friend and work colleague from a list of people to whom I send quarterly Another Way updates. The last time I sent one of the updates in April, Carol was still living and I sent the update to the nursing home where she was living, hoping someone would be able to read the...

Videophones: A simple way to see your elderly loved ones from afar

Dear Savvy Senior,What can you tell me about videophones for seniors? I recently moved to a new city about 500 miles from my elderly parents, and I still want to be able to see them when we talk. But the problem is, they don't have a home computer for video chatting and they're terrible with technology.Youngest ChildDear Youngest,Videophones can be a great way to stay connected and get...

What do you envy?

I am certain that you know murder is wrong, as is adultery, theft, and the defamation of the Lord's name. Yet, there is one word that most certainly sends shivers down our spine – envy.Envy, according to Webster's Dictionary, is the feeling of discontent and ill will because of another's advantages or possessions. In laymen's terms, do you wish you had someone else's stuff? I must admit, it is...